Thursday, July 4, 2024

Day 5

After yesterday's cold rain everyone was a bit anxious about the ride today. The weather forecast was promising. As we departed the chateau, it was chill and overcast and some small places in the sky where hints of blue sky was starting to show. So with our yellow cycling jackets and hopes for good weather, we headed off.

After 18 km of quiet back roads we reached the Meuse River with broad and mostly smooth cycle paths. If you get the chance, click today's photos at the end of the blog to view some of the sights that we had along the way. 

To reach the lunch stop, it was necessary to make a series of long and moderate climbs up a series of switchbacks. The road angle was mostly 5 to 6 percent and at the very top closer to 8 percent. At the top we were surprised to find the Citadel of Namur. The Citadel has a long and rich history that you can read more about at this Wikipedea entry.

I was just in awe on the size and condition of the structure and that we having out lunch and snacks at the foot of this ancient facility. 

Following lunch, it was another 34 km to the ride finish in Colruyt, but not before we dropped down from a different route from the Citadel to the river Sambre for an additional 8 km. When we started this ride in Mechelen, the towns and roads had reminded me of riding in the Netherlands, but now the scenery has changed dramatically and it reminds me of the Danube as it flows through Vienna.  Quite a country of contrasts.

Happy Biking,



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